Drop-Off Catering Services for Las Vegas
Drop-Off Catering Services for Las Vegas.
Chicken Piccata, Veggies & Potatoes – Catering Drop-Off Suite Service
Chicken Piccata, Veggies & Potatoes - Catering Drop-Off Suite Service by KTC Cetering.
Tiramisu Cups, Oreo Cups & Pastries
Tiramisu Cups, Oreo Cups & Pastries - Full Service Dessert Catering by Kiss The Cook Catering of Las Vegas.
Food! Glorious Food!
“Food glorious food” is not only a song from “Oliver” it’s a celebration of life. I know deep huh? But think about it for a minute. Imagine a family get-together, a vacation, a special occasion, lunch with friends, breakfast in bed, a late supper, a romantic dinner for two and [...]
Proud to be an American
I remember when I was just a little chef someone asked my father what political party he was affiliated with and my Dad simply smiled and said, “I’m just proud to be an American”. It really struck a chord with me as this was way before Lee Greenwoods’ amazing [...]
Full Service Appetizer Set-up from KTC Catering Drop-off Service
Full Service Appetizer Set-up from KTC Catering Drop-off Service
Full Service Catered Dessert Drop Off Services. Desserts - Catered by Kiss The Cook Las Vegas Catering
Full Service Appetizers – Catering Drop Off Services
Full Services Appetizers by Kiss The Cook Las Vegas Catering.