Celebrate Good Times Come On!

2019-05-11T02:49:35+00:00Categories: KTC Chef's Blog|Tags: , , , , , |

Ok I admit that I did steal that line from the Kool and the Gang hit song of the 80’s “Celebrate” but there are so many events coming up in May, June and July that it just seemed apropos. Let’s see in May there’s Cinco De Mayo, Mother’s Day, proms [...]

Food is the BEST way to pay it forward!

2018-10-08T18:04:58+00:00Categories: KTC Chef's Blog|Tags: , , , , , |

Kiss The Cook Catering of Las Vegas - Amazing Catered Food at Affordable Catered Pricing Let’s face it, the world is a crazy place to live in these days! However, I’m here to tell you that food can make things better…. well at least taste better! There are [...]

Diginity Health

2018-08-27T18:56:26+00:00Categories: Clients, Kiss The Cook Menu Pics, KTC Chef's Blog|Tags: , , , , |

Hello Humankindness! Dignity Health, which is celebrating over 70 years in Southern Nevada, recently had Kiss the Cook Catering host a night of appreciation at their newest facility. Kiss the Cook served filet mignon crostini, crab cakes with a remoulade sauce, caprese salad cups and smoked salmon bites. They [...]

Proud to be an American

2018-07-13T01:40:42+00:00Categories: KTC Chef's Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

I remember when I was just a little chef someone asked my father what political party he was affiliated with and my Dad simply smiled and said, “I’m just proud to be an American”. It really struck a chord with me as this was way before Lee Greenwoods’ amazing [...]

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